
Appendix: 1 September’s Pre Game Math Survey



Block _________

Math Survey

1.How would you describe yourself as a math student?  

2. What are your strengths as a mathematician?

3. How do you feel about math?

            1                                  2                                  3                                  4

Anxious or                  Math is boring            I often like math               Excited, give

scared                          for me                                                              me a problem and

                                                                                                            let me solve it!

4. What types of learning activities do you prefer? Circle all that apply.

* group work        * independent work                      * projects         *playing games

* taking notes                          *teaching another student       *drawing       *solving puzzles

*using hands-on materials                   *listening to the teacher talk       * I don’t know


5. Rank your favorite math concepts to explore. (1 being your favorite, 9 being your least)

___fractions             ___decimals/money                   ___Geometry                ___measurement                   ___word problems          ___algebra

___addition/subtraction   ___multiplication          ___division          ___ OTHER ____________  

6. How successful do you feel when learning math?

            1                                  2                                  3                                              4

I never get it               I often struggle,              With practice,                       Math is easy

                                but ask for tutoring           I usually understand                  for me

7. Why do you think we learn math?


8. What advice would you give another student who is struggling in math? 


9. Please write anything else you would like me to know about you. I am so excited to get to know you this year!


Appendix 2: Post Game December Math Survey


1. How would you describe yourself as a math student?   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What are your strengths as a mathematician? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What types of learning activities do you learn best with? Circle all that apply.

* group work        * independent work                      * projects         *playing games

* taking notes                          *teaching another student      

*using manipulatives               *listening to teacher talk

4. What do you like about Mrs. Allen’s math class this year so far? BE SPECIFIC! _____________________________________________


5. What is something you might change about our math class? Be honest and specific.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. The year is almost halfway through. How have your feelings about Math changed from the beginning of the year? Why do you think this is so? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. How do you now feel about math?

            1                                  2                                  3                                  4

Anxious or                  Math is boring            I often like math               Excited, give

scared                          for me                                                              me a problem and

                                                                                                            let me solve it!            

8. How successful do you feel when learning math?

            1                                  2                                  3                                              4

I never get it      I often struggle,                    With practice,                                      math is easy

                            but ask for tutoring             I usually understand                           for me


9. What advice would you give other students in this room to help them be successful in math class? ______________________________________________________


10. How do you feel about the math games we play in class? Which ones are your favorites? Why? ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. What do you think makes a math game fun? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. Please write anything else you would like me to know. Remember, I love to get your feedback!


Appendix 3: Post Math Game Questions/ Exit Slips

  1. Rank the following math games from 1-5 (1 being your favorite, and 5 being your least favorite)
  2. What makes a math game fun?
  3. How effective was today’s game _________ in learning __________?
            1                                  2                                         3                           4

Not effective,                Somewhat effective              Effective, I              So effective,

I don’t understand          I sort of understand              understand             I could teach                                                                                                                                                  another student

  1. Use as much detail as you can to describe the math that you were doing in this game?
  2. Create a math problem, solve it, and write an explanation of your solution as if you were writing to another student that has not yet learned this concept. 

Appendix 4: Student Interview Questions

Student Interview Questions

1.      Describe a positive experience you have had in math class?

2.      Share a time when you have felt frustrated in math class before?

3.      Describe your favorite teacher. How did she/he help you learn?

4.      What are the characteristics of your least favorite teacher?

5.      How did you feel about math before you came to KLA?

6.      How do feel about math class this year?

7.      What do you enjoy most about math class this year so far?

8.      What has been your favorite activity we have done in class and why?

9.      What has been your least favorite activity?

10.  How do you feel about the math games we have played in class so far? Which one is your favorite and why?

11.  How do you learn best? 

12.  How can I help you be successful in math class this year?

13.  Why do you think it is important for people to understand math?

Appendix 5: Parent/ Guardian Permission Letter

Parent/ Guardian’s Consent For Minor to Participate in an Action Research Study

High Tech High Graduate School of Education


Title of Study: "How do math games effect student engagement and achievement?”

Researcher:  Jacqui Allen, Graduate Student, High Tech High Graduate School of Education and KLA 6th grade math teacher

Office: 619-263-9266                          Email: [email protected]

Purpose:  Your child is being invited to participate in the above research study.  The purpose of this study is to develop ways to increase student engagement and achievement in math through playing math games. This project will involve my sixth grade math classes at KLA and will not be used in any way to evaluate them, nor will it interfere with your family life or your child’s schooling.

Procedures:  If you are agreeable to having your child participate in this study, I will plan to interview your child a couple of times this year in order to find out ways they learn best in math class as well as how they feel about math class.

Risks:  There are no known risks to your child for participating in this study.

Benefits:  It is possible that your child will not benefit directly by participating in this study.  However, this study should provide your child with a valuable opportunity to think and talk about their experiences learning math. In addition, I will get to know how your child learns best and plan math experiences that will help them become more successful in learning math. The information gathered from this study will be presented to other math teachers and will be vital to their efforts to continually improve our math program to meet students' needs and help students reach their goals.

Confidentiality:  Absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, since research documents are not protected from subpoena.  However, the confidentiality of project records will be maintained to the fullest extent possible.  Responses by your child to interview questions will be coded in such a way that her or his identity will be concealed.  Your child will never be identified with any particular response, comment or materials that he/she might share with me. 

Costs:  There is no cost to your child beyond the time and effort required to participate in the activities described above.  I will schedule interviews at times that are agreeable to you and your child.

Right to refuse or withdraw:  Your child may refuse to participate in this study.  If you allow your child to participate, your child has the right to not answer any questions I might ask.  Even if you agree, you and your child may change your mind and quit at any point.

Questions:   If you have any questions, please contact me at the phone extension or e-mail address above.

Your child’s rights: The rights below are the rights of every person who is asked to be in a research study.  As a research subject, your child has the following rights:

To be told what area, subject, or issue is being studied.

To be told what will happen to them and what the procedures are.

To be told about the potential risks or discomforts, if any, of the research.

To be told if they can expect any benefit from participating and, if so, what the benefit might be.

To be allowed to ask any questions concerning the study, both before agreeing to be involved and during the course of the study.

To refuse to participate in the study or to stop participating after the study starts.

To be free of pressure when considering whether they wish to be in the study.


Consent:  Your signature below will indicate that you have agreed to allow your child to volunteer as a research participant and that you have read and understand the information provided above:

Signature of Legal Guardian __________________________ Date ____________

Signature of Investigator _____________________________ Date ____________

Jacqui Allen, Graduate Student, High Tech High Graduate School of Education and 6th grade math teacher at KLA


Appendix 6: Student Permission Letter


Dear students,


In addition to being a teacher at Keiller Leadership Academy, I am also a student in High Tech High’s Teacher Leadership Master’s Program.  As part of this program, I will be conducting a research study to learn more about how math games help students become more engaged and learn more.  I'll be working with many students in this study and would like to invite you to be a part of it.  Below is some information to help you make an informed decision:


Why I'm doing this study:  I am really interested in how sixth graders learn math best.  I would like to know ways that you feel you learn math best as well as your previous experience learning math.  I would like to find out ways to make math more fun for you this year. I will be sharing my findings with other KLA math teachers in order to help make learning math more fun and engaging for all our students.  


What will happen to you if you are in the study?  If you participate in this study I might ask you to meet with me a couple of times this year to talk about your experiences learning math and playing math games. I would love to hear your feedback on which math games you have enjoyed and ones that you did not enjoy.


Will any part of the study hurt you or help you?  This study won't hurt you in any way, and it may not help you either.  However, this study will provide a chance for you to think and talk about your experiences in math class and ways you learn best. Your opinions will be useful to me and other math teachers who are trying to make their math class more fun and engaging. By sharing your experiences, you could help us better understand how students learn and experience math.


Who will know that you are in the study?  I'm going to keep whatever I hear from you separate from what I hear from other people -- other students or other teachers.  I won't tell them what you tell me, and I won't tell you what they tell me. However, I will write an article or report based on the interesting things I will learn in this study. I will also present what I’ve learned at conferences so that it can be useful to other teachers. In either case, I will hide your name so that no one will know who you are, or that you did or said a particular thing.


Do you have to be in the study?  No, you don’t.  No one will get angry or upset with you if you don’t want to do this.  Just tell me if you don’t want to be in the study.  And remember, you can change your mind later if you ever decide you don’t want to be in the study anymore.


Questions?  You can ask questions at any time.  You can ask now.  You can ask later.  You can talk to me or you can talk to your parents about this study at any time.  My e-mail is: 


E-mail: [email protected]


If you have concerns about this research, you can also contact my advisor, Professor Stacey Caillier, who will be supervising this research:


E-mail: [email protected]

To go ahead with this study, I need to know that you are willing to participate and that your choice to do so is entirely voluntary. Please review your rights at the bottom of this page and sign below if you agree to participate.


Mrs. Allen



Signature of the Participant _______________________________    Date _________________


Signature of the Teacher Researcher ________________________   Date__________________


The rights below are the rights of every person who is asked to be in a research study.  As a research subject, you have the following rights:

1.)    To be told what area, subject, or issue is being studied.

2.)    To be told what will happen to you and what the procedures are.

3.)    To be told about the potential risks or discomforts, if any, of the research.

4.)    To be told if you can expect any benefit from participating and, if so, what the benefit might be.

5.)    To be allowed to ask any questions concerning the study, both before agreeing to be involved and during the course of the study.

6.)    To refuse to participate in the study or to stop participating after the study starts.

7.)    To be free of pressure when considering whether you wish to be in the study.

Appendix 7: Family Math Game Night Invitation

Please Join Us For

Family Math Game Night!!!

Who: All students and families are welcome.

What: come and play math games with your children. It will be fun! They will show you all the fun things they have been exploring in math.

Where: Room 3 or the auditorium (to be decided).

When: Thursday, December 10th 5:00 to 6:00pm


***Please fill out the form below, cut and send back to school


Student’s name__________________

Please check one.

Yes, I will attend ________ OR

NO, I cannot attend ________

About  how many family members will be attending in total, including students? ______________











Student Interview Questions:

1.      Why do you think it is important for people to understand math?

2.      Describe a positive experience you have had in math class?

3.      Share a time when you have felt frustrated in math class before?

4.      Describe your favorite teacher. How did she/he help you learn?

5.      What are the characteristics of your least favorite teacher?

6.      How do you learn best? 

7.      How can I help you be successful in math class this year?

Teacher Interview Questions:

1.      Describe a typical lesson or class.

2.      How do you check to make sure all students understand a math concept?

3.      How would you define the word “engagement?” What does student engagement look/sound like in your classroom?

4.      What are some strategies you use in your classroom to increase student engagement?

5.      Describe a time when you have observed a student feeling anxious or frustrated in class. How did you handle it and what was the outcome?

6.      What are some ways you help students overcome “math-phobia” or math anxiety?

Below are my parent and student consent letters.

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